Sunday, November 9, 2014

Medically and Financially it makes sense to Spay or Neuter Kitty

​Medically and Financially it makes sense to Spay or Neuter Kitty

In the last few months, I have visited multiple homes with kittens they found approaching 6 to 8 months.  Now these families are struggling with “fixing” Kitty.  Recently I spoke to several breeders and obtained interesting information that I would like to share with you.

Spaying Female Cats:

​Something important to know, a cat will come into heat over and over during the breeding season. The behavior during the breeding season can be very difficult to live with, especially if you have an inside only Kitty.  If your Kitty goes outside, chances are high she will come home pregnant.

​The scariest danger of not spaying a female cat is Pyometra.  Breeders are very worried about their females getting this infection.  Pyometra is when bacteria migrates from Kitty licking their bottoms into the uterus.  There are periods of time the cervix is open and the bacteria can enter the uterus. Remember, cats go into heat repeatedly during the breeding season, making it difficult to know when the dangerous period may be.  Pyometra comes in several forms, and breeders who know what to look for, sometimes miss it.  If your Kitty gets Pyometra and it is caught in time, you will be looking at vet bills for an emergency and dangerous spay.  One of the biggest and real concerns is secondary infection following the emergency spay.  Keep in mind, if Kitty gets pyometra, and you miss the infection, it will result in the death of your kitty.

​Spaying also reduces or eliminates the risk of mammary gland tumors, ovarian and/or uterine cancers.  Females who are not spayed run an approximate 14% rate of developing one of these cancers over those who were spayed.

Neutering Male Cats:

​The biggest plus for a male house cat is that neutering reduces or eliminates spraying and marking, in addition to aggressive behavior and howling!  Males that are not neutered end up with injuries from catfights.  These injures often end up infected and abscessed.  Treatment usually results in large veterinarian bills.  Neutering also takes away the desire to roam, which in turn reduces the likelihood of Kitty being injured in a fight or hurt from cars or predators.  Testicular cancer will be eliminated and prostate disease is greatly decreased after a male cat is neutered.  Unfortunately, an outside male cat tends to have a life expectancy of two years.

Did you know…

​Responsible breeders will not give you the CFA papers for your kitten before you provide proof of spay/neuter.  Most purebred cat contracts state the ownership of their cats will remain in the breeder’s name until the spay/neuter takes place.  Bottom line, if you did not buy a cat from a reputable breeder to specifically breed, you do not have permission to breed your cat.  If you do try to breed your cat, you will not have the CFA paper work to be able to prove your cat’s ownership or bloodlines.  Hence, not “fixing” your purebred cat potentially could result legal matters with your breeder.

Benefits to both Males and Females:

​Cats tend to live at least three to five years longer when altered.  It also will reduce the urge to roam, which decreases the risk of contracting diseases or getting hurt outside.  Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome is spread by bites and catfights that occur more often in cats that are not spayed or neutered.

In Conclusion:

Medically it makes sense to spay/neuter your Kitty.  However, it also makes sense financially.  All the “problems” that occur if Kitty is not altered result in high veterinarian bills.  Another consideration is the comfort and quality of life for Kitty.  Of course, we all know overpopulation, poor breeding and abandoned cats are societal concerns of those cats who are not spayed or neutered.


Published September 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

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