Sunday, November 9, 2014

Evacuating With a Cat

​If you are reading this in the Santa Clarita Valley, wild fires and earthquakes are the main reason you would be forced to evacuate.  Thankfully, they do not occur often, however they do occur with little or no warning.

Keep in mind, very few Red Cross evacuation centers allow pets!  If you are evacuated and have nowhere to go that allows Kitty, PLEASE contact your veterinarian’s office or Kitty’s Purrfect Spa and ASK for help!

Most Important:

​The most important thing you can do now is microchip Kitty!  If Kitty gets lost all vets and shelters can scan Kitty and get Kitty back to you!  Forgotten Angels even had a cat returned to them from a kill shelter in Florida, all thanks to a microchip!  Microchipping saves lives! Microchipping brings families back together!  Next to spay/neutering it is the best gift you can give your kitty!


​Next, you want to make sure Kitty’s carrier a safe and fun place.  It will be much easier to get a scared and frightened kitty into a carrier when she has had many positive experiences inside of her “little house”!  I leave my carriers out all the time.  I often find a kitty napping or playing a carrier!

​Most importantly, when getting a carrier that will be used in emergencies, medical or natural, it is important to purchase a hard sided carrier.  The carrier should be large enough for Kitty to stand up and turn around in.  I know some BIG BOYS who can hide in tiny spots when I come to groom them.  However, a carrier is not something that should be snug.

​You should never keep the carrier hidden away!  They should be out for Kitty to see and investigate.  Does that mean you have to make them part of your décor???  NOPE!  I have two stacked in the corner of my bedroom behind my Lazy Boy Chair. I have another one under my desk.  They are very much a part of my home environment.  Everyone knows where they are.  My kitties enjoy them as they please.  They nap, play, leave toys in them, etc.  Sometimes they go in them to get some private time, sometimes they go in them for reasons only they know.  The point here is that my cats are not afraid to go into a carrier.  My cats do not relate a carrier to a car ride or a trip to the vet.  A carrier is just a place to hang out.  Another cat toy!

If the carrier being a happy place is a new concept for your cat, put Kitty’s favorite person’s used towel in it! You know me and dirty towels!!!  Play around the carrier about once a week with Kitty.  Randomly leave treats or kibble in the carrier.

​If Kitty is just not having that going into the carrier is a fun and happy place, take the top off and make just the bottom a happy place.  After a few months, you will be able to add the top back on!

Emergency Kit:

​It is also important that you have an emergency kit for Kitty!  Keep it right next to your human one!

What kinds of things go into your kit?  The same kinds of things that are in your human kit!

3 to 7 days worth of food and bottled water (rotate every two months)

If you feed wet food, a can opener!

Kitty LitterDisposable litter trays, they make cardboard ones that you can buy in packs!

​Paper towels

Garbage bags

Bowls for food and water

Dish soap to clean your bowls

Collar with name and phone number

A hard sided carrier.  In an emergency, you want the extra protection!  Cute bag carriers are great for “fun”, however in an emergency, you really need something to protect Kitty from being accidently smushed in the rush and emotion of the situation.

Recent photos of your kitty(ies) in case you need to identify them or make a lost poster

​List of medical conditions and current medications

Veterinarian’s Name, Address and Phone Number

Some suggest you keep medications in your emergency kit; personally, I like to keep medications in an “easy place to grab”

​In conclusion:

Please take a few minutes now to prepare for an emergency so your Kitty can be as comfortable as possible IF the day ever comes.  Also, know that if you are evacuated and need a place for your Kitty, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa will do everything in their power to help!

Published October 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

After an Earthquake...

In light of the Napa quake back in August and The Great California Shake Out on October 16th, I wanted to address earthquakes this month.

My Experience:

​Like most of you, I was sound asleep at 4:30:55 am on January 17, 1994…. UNTIL…. The few thoughts that came all at once were how could the cat be continuously jumping on my bed, why am I getting wet… Then I knew it was an earthquake.  My sound sleep immediately went to thoughts of if I would live.  At that time, my twin bed was under three windows and next to a 100-gallon fish tank (the stand served as a nightstand) and at the foot of my bed was a large display case with two panels of 4’ X 6’ glass.  The question of survival was very real.  In that moment all I could do was pull the comforter over my head and curl up in a ball.  Needless to say, twenty years later, my sleeping conditions are much safer.  During the Northridge quake, I saw very heavy furniture that had been thrown across rooms, glass everywhere, collapsed buildings and homes that could not be secured because the front door was stuck/wedged opened and countless broken windows.

Preparing Your Thoughts:

​Of course, we hope this NEVER happens again, however history and science tell us it is a matter of when not if.

​Chances are very high, if you are reading this, I have been to your home and know your kitties!  Some of your kitties are shy, some are very grumpy, some are outgoing and love to be around people.  During our appointments, I always tell you the grooming personality of your kitty.  In an emergency, I want you to keep this in the back of your mind.

​If you think back to how we started our first appointment together, I wanted to be sure all of the human questions were answered, more importantly that you stayed calm before and during our appointment.  The reason for this is that I know your kitty notices your emotions and concerns then in turn, acts off them.


​Obviously, your first priority after an earthquake is to make sure all the humans are accounted for and safe. What happens next is going to depend on the severity of the earthquake.

If you feel your home is not safe enough to stay in and you need to evacuate, please take your children and get out.  After your children and other humans are safe and you have light, then it is time to find your beloved kitty(ies)!

Kitty’s Perspective:

​Kitty is probably more traumatized then you are.  While every fiber in your being does not want the earth to shake, you can understand science and history and rationalize what happened and why.  Kitty cannot.

Many believe cats can sense an earthquake hours before it occurs.  We are not sure why this phenomenon happens.  It could be vibrations from deep within the earth, sounds or an unknown factor. What ever it is, cats seem to know it is not “normal”.

​Kitty knows that there were strange sounds, then her universe shook, her house is a mess and her humans are scared.

​If that is not bad enough, all these things continue to reoccur with each aftershock.


​I always believe the best place for your kitty is in your home!

Where Would I Look For Kitty?

​First, I would call Kitty, shake the treats, and then do a normal mealtime routine.  See if Kitty will come to you.

When that does not work, you need a serious plan of action.

​I would close ALL doors so Kitty cannot sneak from one room to the room or rooms I just checked!

Then depending on the time of day the earthquake happened, I would start looking in the darkest corner of the room Kitty is usually in at that time of day.

If it was at night and Kitty sleeps with you, look under your bed, in the middle between all the stuff.

​If it was in the afternoon, I would look in the smallest darkest spot next to Kitty’s favorite sun puddle.

When you still cannot find Kitty, you need to work in a methodical manner.  Start in one place and work your way around each room.Be sure to check inside all the dresser drawers, especially the drawers of Kitty’s favorite human. Run your hand over the bottom of the drawers. Open each drawer slowly in case Kitty’s body is hanging over the edge of a drawer.

​Look in ALL the cabinetry.  Yes, most kitties figure out how to open the cabinets at some point in their lives. Keep in mind, many of us live in tract homes. I know my kitchen corner cabinets have about a six-inch gap from the wall.  (Very easy for a cat to get into, then snake around and under the other lower cabinets.)

​Another great hiding spot is IN furniture.  I have found many cat clients IN chairs and couches.  It could take more than you flipping a chair upside down.  You may have to stick your hand up and into the chair or couch to find kitty.

When you are searching a pile of toys or stuffed animals, it is important to move each one.  Cats seem to be able to camouflage themselves in these piles.

​Other common places to look are in the laundry, in the towel pile, behind the cat tower, under the cat bed, behind the TV.

​If you have lots of possessions, especially in boxes, it will take longer to find Kitty. Be patient and calm, and remember, if your house is secure, your kitty is IN the house.

Crazy places I have seen or heard of cats hiding:

​Under the mattress in a toddler’s bed.

​A few weeks ago, a kitty had gotten away from the owner as I was getting ready for our first grooming appointment.  The only place for kitty to go was into the kitchen.  The owner thought I was crazy when I asked and started looking in her lower cabinets.  Then the family was SHOCKED when I pulled two large kitties out from that back corner gap behind old boxes of cookbooks!

​On the top shelf in the back corner of a pantry was where I found my cat after a tornado blew out all the windows of my apartment. That was the only time she ever got up there!  I was sure she was lost.

​Inside an under the bed box that was forced under a bed.

​Inside a lazy boy type chair.  Very common.

Inside the box springs of a bed.

Up inside a drop panel ceiling. Very Common

​Inside a dresser drawer.

Inside boots.

Don't forget to check inside your closets!

A few things to remember:

​Stay CALM, remember kitty responds to your emotions.

A scared cat can squeeze into a very tiny place.

​A scared cat will probably go in a deep dark place or a very high dark place.

​Do not panic if the first and second and third time you cannot find kitty!  Take a deep breath and stay calm. Chances are very high, if kitty is an inside only (no patio, no balcony, no outside of any kind) kitty is in your home, even if your home is not secure.

Once Kitty is Located…

​BE VERY VERY CAREFUL!!!  Scared cats bite!  Even sweet sweet kitties bite when they are scared!  If you are sticking your hands in places you cannot see in order to find kitty be very careful.

After you know where Kitty is, if the room is safe, close the door.  Put food, water and a litter box in the room and Kitty will come out when Kitty feels safe.  This is the best option.

​If Kitty is not in a safe place, or you must evacuate you will need to catch kitty.

​How to Catch Kitty:

Please know, after an earthquake, I am going to “catch” my personal kitties just as if we do not know each other.
A scared cat can be a very dangerous animal, even if you are the love of her/his life!

Your approach is going to depend on how Kitty is acting.

​If Kitty is sitting out in the open, snatch her up and stuff her in her carrier.  Just like you do for a trip to the vet.

If Kitty is hiding, but not hissing or growling, get a towel, sheet, t-shirt, etc.  You want to grab her and cover her head.  Do not “wrap” her head; just cover her head so Kitty feels like s/he is hiding.  When you grab Kitty, keep your face away from Kitty’s face and feet. With her head covered, drop her into her carrier feet first.

​If you find Kitty and Kitty is growling, hissing, spitting, or charging, this is a very dangerous situation.  If it is at all possible to leave kitty behind, that is the safest option at this moment in time.

In an emergency, if my cat was exhibiting these behaviors, I would have to make the difficult choice for my safety and the safety of my family to leave Kitty behind.

​Remember, cat bites can literally be deadly.  After a major earthquake, medical attention may be hard to get and you will have a long wait.  It is not in the best interest of your family to risk getting a cat bite immediately following an earthquake.  Your family needs your full ability to keep them safe and secure.

​If you chose to evacuate a very frightened Kitty, my best advice is to throw a comforter over Kitty and quickly pull the edges up like a drawstring.

​As you know, I do everything in my power to not scruff a kitty.  If that is the best option in your emergency situation, DO NOT LIFT KITTY BY THE SCRUFF.  Support Kitty’s weight at all times with your other hand.

Leaving Kitty Behind:

Just because you are leaving Kitty behind at this moment, does not mean you are abandoning Kitty.

​If we just had another “Northridge”, the only reasonable option is to get out of the house with your children. When the sun comes up, and people have settled down, someone can watch your children when you go back in to get Kitty.

​I know some of you are required to immediately report to work and may be gone for a few days or more.  If that is the case, remember to have an emergency plan for Kitty.

Emergency Plan for Kitty:

Be sure you have an emergency plan for all your pets! ​If you travel often, work outside Santa Clarita, are a First Responder, or are immediately called into work after a large-scale emergency you probably already have a Kitty Emergency plan.

My “pet plan”:

​When I worked outside the valley, I had three people that I had asked to help me in the event of a work hour earthquake.  I knew as a teacher with no children, living on this side of the 5/14, I would not be released any time soon. I would not be able to get home for an extended period of time.

​Three unrelated people had agreed to come to my house and make sure it was secure.  If it was secure the dog door would be locked, cat food would be poured onto the floor, multiple additional bowls of water would be left around the house and the dogs would go with the first person who got to my home.

​If windows were broken or external doors jammed open, all the internal doors in the house would be closed with food and water left in each room.

​I chose three people because two have families and one lives on the far side of the valley from me.  If communication was possible, they were to notify others and me of the status of my house and who had my dogs.

Please Know…

​Kitty’s Purrfect Spa is willing to help in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency.  Once our pets, families and property are safe and secured, we will be available to help you locate and retrieve your Kitty!   Please ASK if you need help!

Published October 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

​Holistic Cat Groomers Alliance

Kitty's Purrfect Spa is excited to announce, as of September 19, 2014, we are a member of the Holistic Cat Groomers Alliance!  While many cats we have groomed have been groomed in the methods and theology of Holistic Cat Grooming, now it is official!

Medically and Financially it makes sense to Spay or Neuter Kitty

​Medically and Financially it makes sense to Spay or Neuter Kitty

In the last few months, I have visited multiple homes with kittens they found approaching 6 to 8 months.  Now these families are struggling with “fixing” Kitty.  Recently I spoke to several breeders and obtained interesting information that I would like to share with you.

Spaying Female Cats:

​Something important to know, a cat will come into heat over and over during the breeding season. The behavior during the breeding season can be very difficult to live with, especially if you have an inside only Kitty.  If your Kitty goes outside, chances are high she will come home pregnant.

​The scariest danger of not spaying a female cat is Pyometra.  Breeders are very worried about their females getting this infection.  Pyometra is when bacteria migrates from Kitty licking their bottoms into the uterus.  There are periods of time the cervix is open and the bacteria can enter the uterus. Remember, cats go into heat repeatedly during the breeding season, making it difficult to know when the dangerous period may be.  Pyometra comes in several forms, and breeders who know what to look for, sometimes miss it.  If your Kitty gets Pyometra and it is caught in time, you will be looking at vet bills for an emergency and dangerous spay.  One of the biggest and real concerns is secondary infection following the emergency spay.  Keep in mind, if Kitty gets pyometra, and you miss the infection, it will result in the death of your kitty.

​Spaying also reduces or eliminates the risk of mammary gland tumors, ovarian and/or uterine cancers.  Females who are not spayed run an approximate 14% rate of developing one of these cancers over those who were spayed.

Neutering Male Cats:

​The biggest plus for a male house cat is that neutering reduces or eliminates spraying and marking, in addition to aggressive behavior and howling!  Males that are not neutered end up with injuries from catfights.  These injures often end up infected and abscessed.  Treatment usually results in large veterinarian bills.  Neutering also takes away the desire to roam, which in turn reduces the likelihood of Kitty being injured in a fight or hurt from cars or predators.  Testicular cancer will be eliminated and prostate disease is greatly decreased after a male cat is neutered.  Unfortunately, an outside male cat tends to have a life expectancy of two years.

Did you know…

​Responsible breeders will not give you the CFA papers for your kitten before you provide proof of spay/neuter.  Most purebred cat contracts state the ownership of their cats will remain in the breeder’s name until the spay/neuter takes place.  Bottom line, if you did not buy a cat from a reputable breeder to specifically breed, you do not have permission to breed your cat.  If you do try to breed your cat, you will not have the CFA paper work to be able to prove your cat’s ownership or bloodlines.  Hence, not “fixing” your purebred cat potentially could result legal matters with your breeder.

Benefits to both Males and Females:

​Cats tend to live at least three to five years longer when altered.  It also will reduce the urge to roam, which decreases the risk of contracting diseases or getting hurt outside.  Feline Immunodeficiency Syndrome is spread by bites and catfights that occur more often in cats that are not spayed or neutered.

In Conclusion:

Medically it makes sense to spay/neuter your Kitty.  However, it also makes sense financially.  All the “problems” that occur if Kitty is not altered result in high veterinarian bills.  Another consideration is the comfort and quality of life for Kitty.  Of course, we all know overpopulation, poor breeding and abandoned cats are societal concerns of those cats who are not spayed or neutered.


Published September 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

All Groomers Are the Same...

​All Groomers are the same…

​I wish that statement were true.  Unfortunately, the amount of training, passion for the profession, commitment to continuing education and level of ethical decisions are not the same for all groomers. The grooming industry is not regulated in the State of California, or any state.  The quality of one groomer to the next can and does vary greatly.

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa takes great pride in the high quality of each groom we perform, our ethical business practices and our dedication to the feline exclusive grooming industry.  We go beyond the industry standard in the areas of education, professionalism and ethics.  These qualities help make our safety record outstanding!

​As a business, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has completed almost 400 grooms to date.  Not one of our feline clients had to receive medical treatment due to a groom performed by Kitty’s Purrfect Spa.

WHY ARE WE SO SAFE???  Simply put, due to our extensive training, our devotion to monthly continuing education and our commitment to provide the highest standard of service possible has given us an outstanding safety record.  Some of the techniques and policies Kitty’s Purrfect Spa implements are listed below.

WE NEVER USE SCISSORS!  Scissors lead to many problems, the first and most obvious is cut skin! Another undesired effect of using scissors, especially on mats, is that the cut hair actually causes the mats to get worse due to the random length of fur in the area trimmed.

​WE NEVER USE GROOMING LOOPS (NOOSES)!  Cats should never have anything around their necks that cannot easily break off with their own weight.  This is why your cat probably wears a break away collar.  It is too easy for a cat to hang itself from a grooming table if the kitty gets startled, mad or just tries to run away from the groomer.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa Groomers always use their body and work space as the only way to contain a Kitty during the grooming process.

WE NEVER PUT WATER IN A CAT’S FACE!  This is why our Spa does not offer blueberry facials for our Kitty clients!  We also never clean a cat’s face in the bath.  Water in a cat’s face is a bad idea. Cats’ little noses and mouths can very easily be filled with water.  Cats ARE NOT dogs!  It is impossible to hold a cat’s face the same way you would hold a dog’s face during the grooming process. Once water is used to rinse a cat’s face, you risk the chance of filling Kitty’s breathing passages and lungs with water.

​WE BATHE IN THE KITCHEN SINK!  We NEVER dunk a cat in a bucket of water and call it a bath!  In fact, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa never puts a cat in standing water for any reason.  We never use a “dog tub” with water that comes out of a sprayer on a “dog setting”.  Another thing we never do is use rinseless shampoo because it always leaves a residue on Kitty’s fur, in turn, causing worse problems than you started with.

WE ALMOST NEVER SCRUFF A CAT!  We tell you if we do scruff your cat!  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa believes in the most compassionate and least restrictive methods to groom all kitties!

​IF and only IF, KITTY BITES AT US, DO WE USE AN AIR MUZZLE.  An air muzzle looks like a hamster ball, goes on the head like packman and is easily thrown off by Kitty.  It uses Velcro to stay in place and weighs 7 ounces.  We NEVER use a traditional muzzle.  Traditional muzzles are DANGEROUS for cats. Most were designed for dogs.  In a traditional muzzle, a cat’s airway can be very easily blocked.  Also, a cat cannot be accurately observed for possible medical issues while wearing a muzzle made from cloth.

WE MONITOR THE STRESS LEVEL AND HEALTH OF YOUR CAT DURING THE ENTIRE GROOMING PROCESS!   We are NOT afraid to walk away and finish your groom on a different day if your Kitty shows any signs of distress!  While we are not veterinarians, we are trained to look for warning signs of possible medical concerns and notify you immediately if we make any observations about your cat’s health.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa is not shy about referring you to your veterinarian if we have any concerns.

WE LEAVE YOU WITH A COMPLETE REPORT OF YOUR KITTY’S GROOMING EXPERENCE!  Nothing is ever a secret!  We put everything in writing before we leave!

​YOU ARE ALWAYS ALLOWED TO WATCH, TAKE PICTURES AND ASK QUESESTIONS during our grooms!  In fact, we encourage it!  Your comfort with the grooming process is as important to us as your Kitty’s comfort!

WE TELL YOU EVERY LITTLE THING WE FIND DURING YOUR KITTY’S GROOM!  We want all our clients to be well informed!  If we find a lump, bump, excess wax in the ears, a bloody claw… We tell you!!  Usually immediately!  We will never sugarcoat how the groom proceeded.

WE ARE FULLY INSURED!  If something goes wrong during the grooming process, we transport you and Kitty to the nearest vet.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa does everything in their power to assure there are no out of pocket expenses to you if we caused an injury to your Kitty!  Please keep in mind, some vet’s require Kitty to be up to date on shots before they will treat your Kitty.  We will not cover those expenses, however, OUR GOAL IS TO COVER EVERY EXPENSE DUE DIRECTLY TO AN INJURY WE CAUSED.  If an undiagnosed life threatening health issue appears, we will transport you and kitty to the nearest vet.

​WE GROOM AGGRESSIVE CATS!  We have been specifically trained to handle highly aggressive cats. If Kitty’s Purrfect Spa believes it is in the best interest of Kitty, we will groom a highly aggressive cat. In fact, we groom many cats other groomers have turned away.

WE REMOVE PELTS!  We are trained to remove fur that is one solid mat from Kitty’s skin.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has done approximately 50 pelt removals with no injury to Kitty!  Some of these Kitty’s even had skin twisted into the fur. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa successfully removed the fur without injury to the Kitty’s skin! If you do not find a Feline Master Groomer to remove your cat’s pelt, the only other option is to have a vet shave down your cat under anesthesia.  That is costly.  Additionally, not all cats can medically have anesthesia.

​WE REFUSE TO GROOM MEDICATED CATS! (Cats who have been sedated just for a groom)  No “Happy Pills” Allowed!  If you give your Kitty sedation before we arrive, we will reschedule your appointment.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa believes that over 90% of cats can be groomed without medication or anesthesia!

WE REHABILITATE OWNERS AND KITTY!  Currently we are working with approximately 10 families who had a “very bad” grooming experience.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa first makes sure the humans have all their questions answered and are comfortable with our techniques.  Once the humans are comfortable, and that may take many phone calls and an in-home visit, we begin to work with Kitty.  One of our Kitty clients took over four visits before he could have his first full spa day with Kitty’s Purrfect Spa. We are happy to invest all the time, you need, into you and your precious Kitty!

THIS IS WHY WE CLAIM TO BE EXTREMELY SAFE! ​Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has professionally groomed almost 400 cats in 15 months with no accidents!  That is an outstanding safety record by anyone’s measures.  When you hire Kitty’s Purrfect Spa to pamper your kitty, Kitty receives the high quality treatment you would expect from any human spa!

Published September 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Cat Bite Dangers

Cat Bites…

Just rinse them off, maybe get a kiss and all is well.

​Unfortunately, cat bites lead to hospitalization in one third to one-half of all reported cat bite cases.  

The February issue of The Journal of Hand Surgery featured a three-year long study… "Research showed that out of the 193 patients, 57 of them were hospitalized for an average of around three days. Cat bite victims who had to undergo surgery came in at 38 patients, and eight victims needed more than one surgery.”* The remainder of cat bite victims that visited the emergency room were sent home with oral antibiotics.

​When comparing dog bites to cat bites, cats win due to their sharper teeth, which enables them to puncture the skin deeper, implanting the dangerous bacteria they carry in their mouth.  “An aggressive bacteria known as Pasteurella multocida is the main cause of infection from a cat bite. This bacteria is found in the mouth of around 90 percent of cats in good health.”*

​Even healthy kitties that go to the vet every three to six months can still cause a dangerous response in human flesh after their teeth puncture the human skin.

​All cat bites hurt, and most get red.  It is when the swelling and redness continue to increase you should be concerned a serious problem is occurring.  Please do not wait to go to the doctor if you are bitten! Time is not on your side.

My personal story…
     I was hesitant to share this with you, my clients.  Yes, groomers are bitten by the animals they
     groom. Accidents do happen.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa, LLC carries insurance to cover groomers and
     grooming assistants if a Kitty does bite or scratch.  You, as a cat owner, should never worry
     about allowing Kitty’s Purrfect Spa into your home to groom your beloved Kitty.  We are
     completely insured, if we were to get bitten by the cat we are grooming, as long as the
     environment we are in is calm and peaceful, the homeowner has no responsibility.

I grew up with a cat.  I was told not to dress Kitty up, put nail polish on her toes, and other despicable things like eye shadow on her face, etc.  Did I listen?  NO!  You cannot tell a girly girl not to turn a cat into a baby!  Well you can, but you will not get very far.  My childhood cat was more of a doll and teddy bear than a cat; the number of times she bit me was countless.

​If you tried to take the number of cat bites I have received over my lifetime from my personal kitties, I would not know where to start.  Now, add that I chose to become a feline exclusive groomer.

​I was excited when I got my first real cat bite from a client!  It was a badge of honor.  Then I was pretty much over getting bit and scratched.  The more Kitties, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has groomed, the more confidence I have built and the less number of injuries I received.  At the one-year anniversary of Kitty’s Purrfect Spa, I felt like the majority of my serious bites were behind me.  I have my methods down and my immune system was built up.  There is a thought in the feline grooming community that groomers build up an immunity to cat bites.  I was personally buying into that theory.

​About November, I went on an almost injury free spree until May.  In May, I got a few good chomps right to my scalp.  While uncomfortable, nothing serious came of it.  I got right back up and to my regular schedule.

​Then a few weeks later, I was grooming a sweet sweet girl.  I was almost finished, when I dropped the comb between her front legs.  I took my eyes off her for a split second (I know better), before I knew what happened, CHOMP, I felt her teeth digging into my finger.

​As soon as I left the client’s home, I called my doctor.  The receptionist stated I just finished antibiotics, I would be fine.  I instinctively knew this was a different kind of bite.  A few hours later, I went in to see the doctor and was put on oral antibiotics.  I took the first one within four hours of the bite.  36 hours after the bite, at 2AM on Friday the 13th, I found myself in the hospital.  I was dangerously close to losing my finger.  By 9 AM, I was in surgery.  My finger needed to have the infection cleaned out.  In less than 48 hours the sheath around the tendon in my middle finger and probably the tendon were infected by this one simple bite.  I spent four days in the hospital.  Then three weeks with my hand wrapped in a splint.

​Please know, cat bites are dangerous.  They can change your life forever.  They can make you lose limbs.  They can even be fatal.  PLEASE, if you are ever bitten by a cat, go to the doctor to be checked out.

I know some of you fear animal control coming and taking your kitty away.  In most areas, if it is your cat that bites you, the worst that will happen is your cat is quarantined in your home for 10 days.  If it is someone else’s cat, the consequence depends on the circumstance.  Do not put your fear for what may happen to kitty over your life.  Do not wait to go to the doctor if you have a cat bite.

I cannot stress enough; I had JUST finished a course of antibiotics, JUST started a new course of antibiotics and STILL ended up in the emergency room being prepared for emergency surgery. Never underestimate the severity of a cat bite. It can kill you.

Published August 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Breeds, Colors, Patterns... So Confusing!

An Overview of Breeds, Colors and Patterns

Most of us know that we have a Lab that is black or a Poodle that is white.  Nevertheless, when it comes to cats…. many owners give me a blank stare.

Let us start to learn more about basic cat facts!

​Cat Breeds

​Like it or not, our basic dog knowledge comes from the American Kennel Club (AKC).  While most dog owners do not have pure breeds, the AKC gives us the words we need to describe our dogs.  We can say we have a Lab, or Labradoodle, or a Lab mix.  All those words describe the breed of dog.

​Cats have a similar organization. It is called the Cat Fanciers Association, Inc. (CFA).  Currently, the CFA recognizes 40 breeds of cats.  Some of the more common breeds Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has groomed in this area are the Persian, Exotic, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Siamese, Bengal and Turkish Van.  Other breeds we have groomed in Santa Clarita include the Scottish Fold, Abyssinian, LaPerm, Russian Blue, Norwegian Forest Cat and Manx.

While some owners have purebred cats, and other cats highly resemble the purebred version, many of us “just have a cat”.  We call “just a cat” by the length of fur they have.  The “mutts” (forgive my language) of the cat world are called Domestic Short hair (DSH) or Domestic Long hair (DLH).

For the list of 40 recognized breeds, please visit the following:

​So, now that we know the breed of cat you have, life gets a little more complicated with the color of cat you own.

The cat world likes to throw colors and patterns together.  Here we go!

Cat Colors

Let us start with colors.  Out of 40 recognized breeds by the CFA, there are only eight color choices, plus White!  The colors of all cats are Black, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Red, Blue, Lilac, Fawn and/or Cream.

​If your cat has white on the fur, we would say the color “and white”.

I am sorry to say, that the “Orange Tabby” Garfield looking cat next door, is a Red Domestic Short Hair.  In the cat world, orange is called red and gray is called blue.

Cat Patterns

This is where most people get confused.  Tabby is a pattern in the coat, not a breed.

There are four Tabby Patterns; all these cats have an “M” shape marking on their forehead and narrow stripes on their faces.

1.    Mackerel Tabbies, have narrow stripes that run almost parallel down Kitty’s Side
2.    Classic Tabbies, appear to have a “bulls eye” on the sides and a “butterfly” between the shoulder blades
3.    Spotted Tabbies, have large or small spots all over
4.    Ticked Tabbies, have no spots or stripes but have the tabby markings on the face

​Cats can also come in solid colors.  Some cats that look solid on first glance, but actually have tabby markings if you look carefully!  Solid or partially white cats are always identified as “with white”, and are officially categorized on a gradient scale. A “Tuxedo Cat”, would be considered black with white bicolor (usually) grade 4.

Smoked Colors are when the cat’s under coat is white, with a different color on top.  There are also Silver Shaded and Golden Shaded, which refers to the color of the undercoat.

Then we have “mixed up colors”….

​Tortie (Tortoiseshell) is a mixture of black, red and cream

Diluted Tortie is blue and creamCalico is black, red and white

​Diluted Calico is blue, cream and white

​Many of you have Pointed Color Cats.  These breeds usually are the Persians, Himalayans, Siamese, type cats.  The points; ears, feet, mask and tail are a different color from the body.  These cats come in the following colors: Seal Points, Blue Points, Chocolate Points, Flame Points (red), Lilac Points, Cream Points, Tortie Points (black and red), Blue Cream Points, and Lynx Points (tabby markings on points).

​If your head is spinning, mine is too!

Please remember, this is a simplified overview of Breed, Colors and Patterns.

Put it all together…

​So, what kind of cat do you have? You may have a Flame Point Persian, a Seal Point Siamese, a Russian Blue (they only come in blue), a Domestic Long Hair Mackerel Tabby, a Red Tabby Persian, etc.

​I know it is very confusing!  The key to correctly describing your cat, is for you to pick a breed, color and pattern that your cat most resembles.

Published August 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa Earns More Certifications!

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa believes in always doing what is best for the cat.  Some of you know this very well.  We do not like telling our Human Clients “no”, however when your fabulous ideas are not in line with our beliefs of what is in the best interest of Kitty, we do.  Our new titles, acknowledge we always put the physical and emotional health, safety and comfort of Kitty ahead of human wishes.

​The International Professional Groomers, Inc. (IPG) has risen to the challenge of many states and countries.  Often times we hear of horrible tragedies that occur at the groomers.  Due to the horrific events that come to light in the media, many believe the time is approaching when Groomers will be regulated by governmental agencies.  IPG is attempting to institute programs that are ahead of the times, by giving Groomers the opportunity to “self regulate”.

In an attempt to be forward thinking, and most up to date in all areas of grooming, safety and ethical business practices, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa now holds these new titles.  These are the first certifications for groomers that are based on Professionalism instead of Skill.

​The First new title we now hold is Salon Details.  “This certificate acknowledges skilled professionals who adhere to a strict code of ethics and autonomy. The award of SDC Certification exhibits (our) success in demonstrating and attaining the knowledge and practical skills to work with and handle dogs and cats safely, ethically, and professionally.  This certification is the first International endorsement program for all persons involved in caring for dogs and cats in a grooming situation.”

​The Second New Title Kitty’s Purrfect Spa earned is for “Salons, mobiles, or other businesses.  All full time employees and owners must be SDC certified.  In addition, a checklist must be completed and a series of photos (Video in our case) submitted.  Accredited salons must meet minimum standards of safety, cleanliness, and more.  In addition, the business must carry liability insurance.”

Over the last few months, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has been called in to work with several cats who had an “opps” with another groomer.  Please know, we are always happy to work with any Kitty and the Human family to get over grooming anxieties.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa ALWAYS invites families to watch, ask questions, and even take pictures during our grooms!

​Both quotes are found at:

Published August 2014

The Healing Power of the Purr

As cat lovers, we know nothing can replace our furry family members.  We have many special moments with them throughout the day, when they wake us in the morning with head butts, meow for food, rub against us when we come home, lay in our laps as we watch television.  When they find a new napping place we panic, when they are sick we cry and when kitty chooses us over others we rejoice.  Our love and devotion to our cats surpass explanation.

The human feline bond is unique in itself.  Over the last few months, older research has been brought back into the spotlight regarding how the cat’s purr can actually heal humans!  The purr not only is thought to heal the cat, but also the humans in the cat’s life.  Many report that cats will lay on or near injured human body parts.  When we don’t feel well, we are often irritated by this act.  However, they could be actively trying to heal us.

Let’s start with the basics… Why do Cats Purr?

We really are not sure, however, many Veterinarians and Scientists believe purring is linked to the emotions of the feline.  It is still unknown if purring is a voluntary or involuntary response. That being said, I have personally owned cats that never stopped purring and cats that hardly ever purred.

Interesting enough, purring begins the second day of life in house cats.  The purr is used when cats are content, comfortable, feel safe, play, approach other cats, distressed, afraid, sick, injured, and in medical distress.  Many believe the purr is the cat’s way to reassure and calm themselves and their special humans.

How do they make that sound?

The purr comes from the cat’s voice box.  The laryngeal muscles tighten and vibrate when the cat breathes in and out.  The range in Hertz when a cat purrs is due to the fact that the cat’s laryngeal muscles vibrate on both the inhale and exhale, resulting in a large range in frequency. Some believe the diaphragm is also involved in the purring process, making the act of purring a high energy producing activity.

Purring can Heal???

We all know a good cuddle reduces our stress, but it has been scientifically proved to reduce our blood pressure at the same time!

When cats purr, the vibration is in a range of 20-140 Hz.  To me that means nothing, however scientist tell us that this range is medically therapeutic for many illnesses.  This frequency range of 25 – 50 Hz actually heals bones!  100 – 200 Hz is the second best range to strengthen bones!  These vibrations also help heal infection, swelling, muscle, tendon and ligament injuries.

When I had surgery a few years back, my two girl cats would lay on each side of my surgery site and purr.  I thought nothing of it at the time.  Recently, my doctor stated that my wounds heal quickly.  When these studies were revisited in groups I belong to, I found it interesting that my girls will still lay on or next to my injuries.  Our cats obviously take care of us in ways we are never aware of!

Some studies have determined, just owning a cat will reduce your rate of heart attack by 40%!

Yes, I believe the purr contains healing properties.  Below I have included additional sources for you to explore. (half way down the article is the section on cats)


Below are the stories of how our clients have been healed by Purrs!

Kitty R’s Dad had open heart surgery.  When he returned home from the hospital, his special furry friend very gently laid on his chest for hours purring while he was recovering.  Now this Kitty, had never laid on Dad’s chest before, and did it in a very gentle and loving manner.  Of course, Mom was worried!  However, Dad assured her, that the soft sounds of the purrs made him feel better! This was before Kitty R, but Kitty R wants you to know, she would do the same for her beloved Daddy!

I just read your newsletter and it's funny because a couple nights ago my left hand was completely unusable... Had it on ice and everything and little Miss PittyPat insisted on laying right on my hand all night long :)  -Angela

I am sharing the stories clients have shared with me of how their Kitty healed them with Purrs!  To submit your story, please email your story to, or paste it into the contact form!  Thank you!

Published July 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Feline Toxins and Poisons

Felines have very delicate skin and can be very curious.  As cat owners, we also need to remember that cats lick their fur and skin for hours a day. This results in substances in the environment being easily digested or absorbed through the skin.  Additionally, the pet industry is not regulated.  Just because a product is marked “safe for kittens and cats” does not make it true.  Cat owners need to be up to date on what substances are toxic for cats.  Some are obvious, and some will surprise you!  Like with anything in life, people differ in their beliefs.  Some believe a little won’t hurt, while others will not knowingly take a small chance at inducing problems in their furry family member.  Below is an incomplete list of many household toxins and hazards.  Please use common sense while reviewing this list and implementing any household changes.

I am not trained in Veterinary Medicine.  You should always default to your Vet on the best diet to feed your feline, and any questions you have about items in your Kitty’s environment.

In case of an after-hours emergency, please contact Pet Poison Help Line at 800-213-6680.  There will be a small fee for the call.  You can also visit their website for additional information:

The following list is quite extensive and has been gathered from many sources noted at the conclusion of the list.  I will start with the items that are most surprising, making them the most dangerous for Kitty.
     Tree Tea Oil *
     Aloe Vera ****
     Cedar Oil
          Use for fleas may cause vomiting *
     Essential oils including Oregano,Thyme, Eucalyptus, Clove, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf, Parsley and Savory
          can cause liver damage *
     Essential oils which contain Cedar Leaf, Sage, Hyssop, Cyprus, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mint,
     Caraway, Citronella ,Clove, Ginger, Chamomile, Thyme and Rosemary
          can cause neurological problems *
     Simmering Potpourri **
     Reed Diffusers **
     Citrus Oil Extracts
         Can cause vomiting
     Dog flea and tick medication (pills, collars, sprays, shampoos)
          The topical application to cats of flea control products marketed for dogs containing permethrins
          constitutes a major portion of feline toxicities reported to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control
          Center. Some owners also use Permethrin for insect control.

Human Medication, remember, sometimes Veterinarian’s will prescribe an over the counter medication for Kitty.  Always verify the dosage and brand before administrating human medication to Kitty!

     Cancer medicines
     Cold medicines
     Diet pills
     Pain relievers
          acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen
     Vitamins and other supplements
     Human Vitamin Supplements Containing Iron
          damage the lining of the digestive system, toxic to the other organs including the liver and

Human Foods***:
     Alcoholic Beverages
          intoxication, coma, and death
     Bones from Fish, Poultry, or Other Meat Sources
          can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system
     Canned Tuna fed regularly (For Human Consumption)
         malnutrition, it can contain mercury
     Caffeine from Chocolate, Coffee or Tea
         affect the heart and nervous system and can be toxic
         contains theobromine and caffeine
     Dog Food fed regularly
          malnutrition and heart disease
     Fat Trimmings
         pancreatitis and contribute to obesity
     Grapes and Raisins
         unknown toxin which damages the kidneys
     Large Amounts Of Liver
         Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones
     Macadamia Nuts
         unknown toxin which can affect the digestive and nervous systems
         Can depress the nervous system and cause vomiting and heart rate changes
     Milk And Other Dairy Products
         Some adult cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the
         lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset
          Some contain toxins that affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death
     Onions and Garlic (Raw, Cooked, Or Powder)
          contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia
           seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis
     Potato, Rhubarb and Tomato Leaves And Stems, Green Tomatoes or Potatoes
          These foods are members of the family of plants which includes the Deadly Nightshade, and
          contain the poisonous alkaloid Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which can cause violent lower
          gastrointestinal problems
     Raw Eggs
          Contain the enzyme avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), also lead to
          skin and hair coat problems, may contain Salmonella
     Raw Fish
          thiamine deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and death
          large quantities may lead to electrolyte imbalances
     Sugar-Laden Foods
          Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and diabetes mellitus
          Ingesting nicotine can result in rapid heartbeat, collapse, coma, and death
          found in sugarless gums, candies, toothpastes
     Yeast Dough
          Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and rupture of the stomach or

House Hold Items:
     Holiday Lights
     Dental floss
     Rubber bands
     Hair Ties
     Insect and rodent bait
     Household Cleaners
     Toilet bowl cleaners
     Laundry detergents
     Drain cleaners
     Carpet cleaners
     Glow sticks
     Electrical cords

     Almond Pits
          Vomiting and diarrhea
     Apple Seeds
     Apricot Pits
          Incoordination, trembling, collapse
     Bird of Paradise
     Black Eye Susan
     Black Locus
     Bleeding Heart
     Burning Bush
          Punctures skin which can become infected
          Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shaking head, difficulty breathing
     Cherry Pits
     Cherry (Wild, Ground, laurel)
     Christmas Rose
     Creeping Charlies
          Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, cramps
     Crocus, Autumn
     Crown of Thorns
     Daffodil Daphne
     Deadly Nightshade
     Death Camas
          Central nervous system problems
     Dumb Cane
     Easter Lilly
     Elephant Ear
     English Ivy
     Four o’clock
     Golden Chain
     Golden Glow
     Gopher Purge
     Hemlock (poison and water)
     Horse Chestnuts
     Indian Tobacco
     Iris Ivy
         Vomiting, diarrhea, excitable behavior
     Jack in the Pulpit
     Java Beans
     Jerusalem Cherry
     Jimson Weed
     Jungle trumpets
     Lily (Spider, of the Valley)
     Kidney failure
         Can depress the nervous system and cause vomiting and heart rate changes
     Mescal Bean
          Vomiting, diarrhea, blistering in the mouth, difficulty breathing
     Mock Orange
     Morning Glory
     Mountain Laurel
     Peach Pits
         Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shaking head, difficulty breathing
         Vomiting, diarrhea, blistering in the mouth, difficulty breathing
     Poison Ivy
     Poison Oak
     Precatory Bean
     Rosary Pea
     Rubber Plant
     Scotch Broom
     Skunk Cabbage
     Snow on the Mountain
     Star of Bethlehem
     Tansy Mustard
     Tung Tree
     Virginia Creeper
     Water Hemlock
     Weeping Fig
     Wild Call
     Yews (American, English, Japanese)

** Jill A. Richardson, Veterinary Poison Information Specialist, ASPCA/ National Animal Poison Control Center
Jeffrey D. Rakes, Published in NCGIA Anatomy and Health Study Packet
(plants poisonous to cats, without details

July 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter


Kitty' Purrfect Spa supports Kittens in two ways!

First, all adopted Kitten's from a shelter or rescue receive 50% off their first groom if given within two months of adoption!

Second, as strong believers in regular maintenance, Kitty's Purrfect Spa offers a 4 month plan designed just for Kitties!  During those four months, Kitty's Purrfect Spa will make five visits to your home to get Kitty used to the grooming process.  Each visit will be a fun positive experience where we expose Kitty to nail trimmings, combing, the sounds of the grooming process and two to three baths.  All this for just $36.00 a month!  A small price to pay to get your kitten started in the right direction!

The earlier we start Kitty with nail trims and brushing, the easier it will be on Kitty! Remember the "teenage years" approach very quickly in these furry family members.

If it is time for your family to add a kitten, please remember part of responsible ownership is the maintenance of Kitty's Coat, Skin and Nails!

Please call for more information!  661-505-0397

July 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

First Birthday!

June 8, 2014

Happy First Birthday Kitty's Purrfect Spa!

June marks our one year Birthday!  Thank you everyone for your kind support during our first year!

This year Kitty's Purrfect Spa has groomed over 300 cats in over 120 homes! Thank you for making us a success!

Hairballs are dangerous and disgusting!

Hairballs are dangerous and disgusting!

Hairballs are just a nuisance!  While Kitty’s Purrfect Spa wished that to be true, they can be much more serious!

What is a Hairball?

It has been long thought that hairballs were the result of self grooming.  When cats lick themselves, the dead fur was swallowed and what was not passed through the digestive system was brought back up and regurgitated.  Recent studies are leaning more toward hair balls being the result of a possible issues with the intestines and/or how digested food moves between the stomach and intestines.  If your cat suffers from daily or weekly hairballs, your first step should always be to seek veterinary advice.

Why are Hairballs Dangerous?

Hair can actually get backed up and packed into your Kitty’s body.  Blockages from hair can occur anywhere in the digestive system.  When these blockages occur, surgery may be your only option. If your kitty experiences Continuous hacking that does not produce a fur ball, frequent diarrhea or loss of appetite you should seek medical help to get to the bottom of the issue.

How Can I Reduce Hairballs In My Home?

Kitty's Purrfect Spa has developed a six month program that will improve your Kitty’s coat condition, in turn reducing the amount of dead hair ingested by your beloved family member.  In addition to feeding your Kitty a high quality food recommended by your veterinarian we are convinced the amount of hair in your home and in your kitty can be significantly reduced.

What Proof Do You Have Your Methods are Successful?

I personally own two domestic long hair cats.  Before I attended the National Cat Groomers Institute of America, I only gave an occasional brushing session to my kitties in addition to hairball food and the occasional dose of hairball medication.  While attending NCGIA, I learned how dangerous and easily preventable fur balls can be.  I was not a believer, however my almost white carpets needed me to give it a try! Victoria, who was 11 at the time, began to receive a bath and brush every four to six weeks and a full belly shave about every eight to sixteen weeks.  Victoria went from having a hairball about twice a week to having no hairballs for over six months now.  I chose a full belly shave for Victoria because she is a shy and sensitive kitty.  I did not think she would appreciate the feeling of not having fur, as it would make her feel more exposed.

Tatianna, 10, is a more outgoing kitty.  She loves her Lion Cuts!  Before her first lion cut, she had hairballs almost daily, now she has about two a month. It took both kitties about four to six weeks to stop having their puking parties.  However, once the excess hair was out of their system my carpet cleaning was reduced significantly!  The results were delightfully surprising and made me a true believer that long hair kitties do not need to suffer from the menacing hairball!

In Conclusion....

Currently, I have many kitties on regular (four to eight week) maintenance plans that are also enjoy the huge reduction in hairballs!I strongly believe that regular grooming can and will reduce hairball issues in healthy cats. Please call for more information on hairball prevention!  661-505-0397

June 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Anal Glads and Cats

Anal Glands and Cats….

Most dog owners, especially those of small breed dogs, know the anal glands need to be expressed on a regular basis to prevent the glands from becoming impacted.  In the United States, many groomers will express the anal glands of small dogs for a small charge.  Did you know it is illegal for groomers in other countries to express anal glands?  Countries such as Canada considers expressing anal glands an invasive procedure that should only be performed by a veterinarian.

Cats verses Dogs, two different species.  Both need their Anal juices to mark their territory and lubricated their bowl movements.  However, felines also release their anal glands when they are angry.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa, does not need to offer anal gland services because an irritated, stimulated or angry cat will naturally release their anal juices.  When a family member is playing dress up, tea party, or warriors with kitty, and kitty escapes because kitty smells, that is what happened.  Out of irritation, kitty’s juices started flowing.  This is a natural feline response.

During the grooming process, kitty will express their own glands at least three times.  The first being the moment kitty realizes it does not have a choice and will be groomed.  During the bathing process while kitty’s bottom is being cleaned, and during the drying process when the room temperature forced air hits kitty’s private parts.  If kitty is having any kind of shaving in that area, it will release their glands another time. That being said, if your cat is struggling to defecating, you need to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Thank you Pudge, a regular client, for showing us your before and after picture!

June 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Why Does My Cat Shed More RIGHT After a Groom?

Many clients are surprised when Kitty’s Purrfect Spa hands Kitty back to them and hair is flying everywhere! WHY does this happen???  Doesn’t Kitty’s Purrfect Spa claim to have all the answers for our Kitty’s coat issues???

Cats shed after a groom for two main reasons. First, even though Kitty’s Purrfect Spa comes to your home and monitors Kitty for signs of stress, grooming can still be a stressful process until it is something Kitty understands and comes to expect. Just like the things you have to do once a year verses monthly. The less often we do something, the more anxiety/excitement we have. The same is true for Kitty. With regular grooming Kitty will become accustomed to the grooming process. Kitty will know that Kitty’s Purrfect Spa will always groom her with the same steps and this will make Kitty less anxious. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa “regulars” know that after the cologne is sprayed, they are going to be placed in their owner’s arms. Many feline clients will sit patiently and wait in front of the door, even if they were grumpy during the groom, because they know they are finished!

A second reason your cat sheds more right after a groom is that the warm bath water opens up the hair follicles and provides the perfect time for the hairs that were getting ready to leave the coat to come out. (Just like when you shower, your hair is more likely to come out.) The same is true for Kitty.

If your Kitty does have some loose fur immediately following the groom, please be sure in 24 to 48 hours it will stop, and you will be noticing much less Kitty hair everywhere!

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa Offers a Professional De Shed Treatment.

During this add on service, Kitty’s dead undercoat is literally sucked out. This does not hurt Kitty in any way and some of Kitty’s Purrfect Spa “regulars” don’t consider their groom over until they have their De Shed treatment! This treatment helps significantly reduce the amount of hair you will find around your home and on your clothes.

The most effective way to have Kitty’s shedding under control is regular grooming by a highly trained professional cat groomer.  In order to help you with shedding, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa offers special rates for cats on a regular schedule. Please call for more details! 661-505-0397.

May 3, 2014, Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Hair, Hair Everywhere!

Please help me!  My cat is shedding by the handfuls!

“There is cat hair everywhere. How can I keep my cat’s shedding to a minimum? What really is the best way since there are so many opinions being promoted? I don’t know what’s best!  HELP!”

At Kitty’s Purrfect Spa we hear this all the time. Some shedding is normal and healthy. However excess shedding can be controlled. A recent cat publication suggested three steps to make life with cats that shed easier: 1.) Groom regularly (bath and comb), 2.) Feed a balanced diet (recommended by a vet), and 3.) Keep fur under control (easier said than done). While Kitty’s Purrfect Spa agrees with these steps, we can see how difficult it is for owners to understand them, let alone follow them correctly.

Regular grooming (bath and comb) is essential to reduce shedding! Some owners will skip the bath and go right for the comb out. This is when problems occur! If you attempt to comb out a greasy, matted kitty it will not end well.  Essentially you will be pulling on the coat, causing discomfort to your cat and in turn provoking an aggressive reaction from Kitty because it HURTS! Kitty’s Purrfect Spa knows many owners do not understand that cats with shedding problems may need to be bathed as often as every two weeks with a feline safe degreasing product. The bottom line is that excessive shedding may be the result of too little or improper grooming.

Eating a balanced diet is good advice for both humans and animals. The problem is that many humans don’t know what a balanced diet is when it comes to their cat. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa recommends that owners feed their cats the diet recommended by their veterinarian. Your veterinarian will have the best understanding and up to date information for the different foods on the market, as well as any health or life stage issues of your Kitty. This makes your veterinarian the best resource you have in choosing the correct diet for your Kitty. Remember that even though you view your kitty as a human member of your family, their physiology is not exactly human. They will require a diet suitable  to their feline biology.

When it comes to keeping fur under control owners can be overwhelmed by all the product options offered at their favorite pet stores. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa recently visited one well-known pet store and counted no less than 18 products ranging in price from $5 to $50 dollars. While all of these products guaranteed the removal of excess fur, some of these products had very sharp metal edges and those sold as professional grooming tools  contained actual razor blades. Such products may not be the safest or even best way to remove Kitty’s dead undercoat (excess fur). When buying  a “De Shed” product always do your research!  Read up on exactly how the item you plan to purchase removes the dead fur. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa  is aware of at least three different tools that are problematic. One product is known to scrape off and even cut off the delicate living feline fur, in addition to the dead undercoat. A second product had clever advertising. It showed the dangers of the first product while claiming to be safer. However, the blades were as close together as a flea comb, which means it would pull the cat’s hair (hurting Kitty) and ending up in a battle of wills between human and Kitty! The last product Kitty’s Purrfect Spa saw was not able to produce better results than just petting Kitty with your hand.

Shopping for a tool to De Shed Kitty is difficult because you just can’t be certain it will safely and effectively produce the desired results! Some owners purchase expensive De Shedding tools, attempt to use them on Kitty, Kitty gets angry, and the tools are never used again. The primary reason these products are ineffective and often times unsafe is because they were originally designed for use by professionally trained groomers.

How does Kitty’s Purrfect Spa solve the problem of shedding?

We have a proven process! First, we give Kitty a warm water massage bath with our kitty-safe degreasing product. Next we use a force dryer process to blow out all the loose hair. This is not only effective, but most cats enjoy this less stressful way of hair removal. For cats with a  thick under coat or that are simply prone to shedding, we add our De Shed Treatment, which consists of a suction vacuum with a special attachment that safely sucks out and removes all the dead under coat. For cats prone to hairball issues, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa recommends shaving Kitty’s belly. When more drastic measures are required, our lion cut is an excellent option. With a lion cut Kitty’s Purrfect Spa will shave the body of your kitty leaving the head, legs and tail in full coat.

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has proven De Shedding options that our clients are extremely satisfied with! Give us six months to prove to you that with our regular grooming procedures, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa can solve your Kitty’s excess shedding problems!

Published May 1, 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Just a Brush Out Please!

Many times clients call Kitty’s Purrfect Spa with a problem. For example, Kitty has a mat in the middle of her back. The Human wants the problem fixed, they know Kitty is uncomfortable, they know Kitty won’t let the Human solve the problem their way, so they call us to solve it the way the Human believes it should be solved. When we have a problem this serious, most of us do not walk into the doctor’s office or mechanics garage and tell them how to fix what is broken. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa fully understands the emotional bond you have with your beloved feline. We understand you only want the best for Kitty. We also know that you would do no less for your child.

This is precisely why you called a Certified Feline Master Groomer. A groomer who ONLY grooms cats. A groomer who comes to your home, and grooms in the most comfortable and stress-free environment for your Kitty. A groomer who is trained in cat psychology. A groomer who is trained to look for feline signs of stress and possible medical issues.

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa understands it is a shock to you when we politely tell you, no, we will not just brush out Kitty. Each and every Kitty we groom gets the full package!  Paw-di-cure, warm water massage with degreaser in the bath, facial, ear cleaning, room temperature drying, and a comb out. Depending on Kitty’s coat condition and owner preference we may add to our basic service.

WHY? WHY would you force my cat to have a bath? Kitty’s Purrfect Spa firmly believes a bath solves many issues. First, it degreases the coat preventing matting and in its worst form pelting. It open up the hair follicles promoting a healthy growth cycle. Forced air drying allows us to view every inch of kitty’s skin. Many times we have found lumps, bumps, and injuries the humans were not aware of. Ear cleaning allows Kitty’s Purrfect Spa to notify the owner of excess wax or ear mites, both reasons for a vet visit. A facial allows us to look for any eye, ear, nose, and sometimes mouth problems that need professional attention.

Also, time after time, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has observed the transformation in a clean kitty. Most of them want to show off! They seek extra attention and petting! By allowing Kitty’s Purrfect Spa to perform all grooms to the level of a Master Groomer, you will be notified of any issues that you many need to see a vet regarding, you prevent bigger difficulties in the future, and you allow your Kitty to feel amazing and frisky again!

Published April 8, 2014 Kitty's Purrfect Spa Newsletter

Pelted Kitties are in Pain! How you can help.

Saving Pelted Kitties!

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa a In-Home Mobile cat groomer in Santa Clarita keeps talking about pelts, pelting and the like! What is all this talk about??? The short answer is a pelt is the extreme form of matting. A pelted kitty is when the fur has completely grown together and you cannot physically get your fingers to the skin. Pelted kitties are a medical emergency! A pelt can kill any kitty! At the worst a pelt can literally bind the kitty’s legs to the body and block off the openings to defecate. If the kitty does not starve from lack of mobility, it will literally rot from the inside from a backup of waste.

How does a pelt form? It starts slowly then quickly grows out of control. At one point the regular oils, grease and debris stop allowing the dead hair from leaving the coat. (Stop here, a professional grooming by a trained cat groomer could prevent all your problems!

This dead fur begins to get trapped in the fur that is still in the growth cycle. (Stop here, you have mats!) Kitty begins to feel pain at this point in the process. The more time that moves on the more mats form. They usually start at the base of the tail and hips. As time moves on, the mats get tighter and closer to the skin. The longer the human waits to have Kitty’s pelt removed, the tighter, more painful and more dangerous the mats become.

Once the mats reach skin level and cover over 25% of kitty’s body, you have four options. First, take care of it yourself, which I am sure you have already tried. Take it to a groomer who is not highly trained and certified in feline exclusive grooming and risk a higher possibility of an accident. Have a certified feline master groomer, come to you and work in your home (Kitty’s most stress-free environment). Or take kitty to the vet to go under anesthesia for a shave down.

Many times I have heard, we did not know. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa does not judge! We believe strongly in education. We have solutions to prevent this situation from ever happening again! Yes it is expensive to have a pelt removed. Why? Because it takes a groomers full concentration and a high skill and education level. The groomer needs to be in tune with your kitty and able to anticipate your kitty’s next move before kitty makes it.

The process is highly demanding mentally, physically and emotionally on the groomer. Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has an excellent safety record. We strive every day to maintain this record at all costs! Kitty’s well being is our number one goal at Kitty’s Purrfect Spa. Therefore we have developed a program for the pelted kitty! We will remove the pelt, return for three additional baths, and spread the payments out over six months while providing you a discounted rate.

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa wants all kitties to be healthy, happy and well taken care of! Please call us immediately if you suspect your Kitty is mated or pelted. We’re here to help.

Published April 8, 2014

Out like a ROAR!

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa knows many of you enjoy having your Kitty in a Lion Cut for spring and summer!

We do Lion Cuts for the warm weather!

When you purchase a Lion Cut from Kitty’s Purrfect Spa, your Kitty receives the best care and treatment.  We first start with a paw-di-cure, massaging and trimming your feline’s nails.  Then we carefully shave down your Kitty.  All of this is performed in your smallest bathroom, preferably a powder room.

Shaving means something different to everyone.

First, many clients ask for “just a little off”.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa can only take “a little off”, known as a comb cut, if your Kitty’s fur is clean with no tangles or mats.  Comb Cuts cost more because we have to prepare the coat to the finished condition (bath, brush, dry) then shave it to the desired length.  Comb cuts can only be done on Kitty’s that have no mats and cost $95.

Lion Cuts range in price.  If your Kitty has clean, grease free fur with no tangles or mats, the cost of a lion cut is $85.

If your Kitty has more than 4 mats that do not touch the skin, the lion cut costs $85 plus $35 for a total of $120.  The additional fee is for the extra time it takes to shave under the mats.

If your Kitty has mats that touch the skin, or the fur is hard from matting, covering an area larger than one inch by one inch, there is an additional pelting fee of $75.  WHY????  Because the groomer needs extra time to safely remove the pelt.  Many times, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa has to shave one strand of hair at a time in these situations.  Sometimes the skin is pulled in a knot under the fur.  Plus we cannot see what we are doing under the pelt, making the procedure much more difficult. Theses conditions are much more stressful on the groomer and the cat. So yes, if your Kitty is pelted the charge is $160.

WAIT!!!!  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa knows that is a LOT of money, and knows you never want your Kitty in that condition again, so we have a solution!  If you have a pelted Kitty that needs to be shaved down for humane reasons, we offer a special plan!  You will get the Lion Cut, Pelt Removal, plus four more baths at a discounted price with smaller monthly payments due on the first of each month!  This is a “Start Over” for Kitty’s coat!  At the end of the six months, your Kitty will look like new!

After the shaving is completed, Kitty will receive a warm water bath with massage.  In the bath we use a degreasing product!  If Kitty had mats or was pelted, grease was the most likely the cause.  This bathing process will allow Kitty’s fur to remain soft and mat free for approximately six to eight weeks. Following the bath, all Kitties receive a facial, ear cleaning, and blow dry.

Now, I know many of you want “just a shave”.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa does not offer that service because we do not believe it is in the best interest of the cat.  Many problems are caused by grease and debris at the skin level of the fur.  Without a bath we are just putting a band aide on a bigger problem.  Kitty’s Purrfect Spa believes in solutions, not temporary fixes.  We are happy to discuss this with you.

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa goal is to preform breed specific, show quality grooms each and every time. Please call for an appointment, or visit us at

Published, March 17, 2014

Additional Education

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa to Gain Additional Education at the Pasadena Groom and Kennel Expo

Kitty’s Purrfect Spa is excited to announce that it will be attending the premier grooming show on the West Coast this weekend. This event consists of a huge trade show and the perfect opportunity for us to continue and enhance our grooming knowledge and abilities.

During this event we will be attending a class for salon certification and classes regarding mobile grooming. However, the most important and exciting aspect of the experience is the fact that the cat grooming classes are going to be led by the foremost expert in the field, Ms. Danelle German.

However, in addition to gaining new skills and knowledge about the best and safest methods and techniques to use to groom cats, we have also be honored with conducting all of the prep work for the various cats that will be used during the lectures that are given by Ms. German this week.

As a result of attending these classes, Kitty’s Purrfect Spa will not be able to see any clients until Monday, February 24, 2014. Currently we still have a few open appointments for Wednesday morning, as well as more available for Thursday the following week. However, you should call soon as we are getting booked up fast!

Published, February 22, 2014