Sunday, February 28, 2016

Purrfect Pointers, Volume 1 Issue 1

Purrfect Pointers
We are excited to announce Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG was able to express her opinion on grooming difficult cats in the exclusive feline grooming magazine Purrfect Pointers! (Volume 1, Issue 1) Fall 2014

Purrfect Pointers, Volume 2 Issue 2

Purrfect Pointers
We are excited to announce Deborah Hansen, CFMG, CFCG was given a three page article in the exclusive feline grooming magazine Purrfect Pointers! (Volume 2, Issue 2) Fall 2015
The article focused on the development of her business, high rebooking rate and the programs she offers.